Frederik Gielnik

M.Sc. Frederik Gielnik


Forschungsgebiet: „Neue Betriebsmittel und -konzepte im Verteilnetz gemäß dem BDEW Ampelmodell“

Aufgaben am Institut: Administration der IT-Infrastruktur

Laufende Arbeiten
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten
Titel Forschungsthema Betreuung Bearbeitung

Firas Moatemri


Max-Emanuel Siegemund


Peter Pinter

Messtechnik im Verteilnetz

Stiven Kuçi

Messtechnik im Verteilnetz

Philipp Martin Eckerle

Messtechnik im Verteilnetz

Jonathan Dörner


Jakub Howsa


Messtechnik im Verteilnetz

Dominik Krohn

Messtechnik im Verteilnetz

Karam Boughalmi


Javier Barrgan Nunez


Samuel Manfred Eichhorn

Johannes Swietlik


Erik Seewang

Maximilian Gerhard



Olga Kinas


Peter Pinter

Messtechnik im Verteilnetz

Marvin Xhafa


Andreas Schmyrin


Omar Ismail


Sebastian Hormel



Lennart Sans

Samuel Eichhorn


Victor Weise


Yann Dressler

Dominik Ebert

Johannes Swietlik


Active medium-voltage grid coupling using particle swarm optimization
Gielnik, F.; Pinter, P.; Swietlik, J.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2025. IET Conference Proceedings, 2024 (5), 1019 – 1022. doi:10.1049/icp.2024.1962
Time-domain Dynamic State Estimation for Unbalanced Three-phase Power Systems
Pfeifer, M.; Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Leibfried, T.; Hohmann, S.
2023. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 11 (2), 446–454. doi:10.35833/MPCE.2021.000761
Physics-informed geometric deep learning for inference tasks in power systems
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schmit, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. Electric Power Systems Research, 211, Article no: 108362. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108362
Modeling of German Low Voltage Cables with Ground Return Path
Geis-Schroer, J.; Hubschneider, S.; Held, L.; Gielnik, F.; Armbruster, M.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. Energies, 14 (5), Art.-Nr. 1265. doi:10.3390/en14051265
Establishing a Switchable Experimental Power Grid in the Distribution System of a Real Building
Geis-Schroer, J.; Eser, D.; Gielnik, F.; Bock, G.; Kinas, O.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2023. 2023 8th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID), 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/eGrid58358.2023.10380872
Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of Non-standard Operating Conditions in Low-Voltage Grids Considering Different Network Topologies
Gielnik, F.; Kinas, O.; Leibfried, T.
2023. 2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Dublin, Ireland, 29 August - 01 September 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC57427.2023.10294381
Learning Parameters and Topology in Unbalanced Distribution Grids
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schneider, A.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, P, 2-3 June 2022
Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of Voltage Fluctuations in Low-Voltage Grids and Validation Using Field Test Data
Gielnik, F.; Eichhorn, S.; Jongh, S. de; Bisseling, A.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON): Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ENERGYCON53164.2022.9830479
Learning parameters and topology in unbalanced distribution grids
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schneider, A.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, 1064–1068, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2022.0877
Aggregation of Time-Dependent Flexibility in Cellular Organized Distribution Grids
Steinle, S.; Littig, D.; Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGT-Europe54678.2022.9960522
Establishing a Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Environment with a Smart Energy Complex
Gielnik, F.; Geis-Schroer, J.; Eser, D.; Eichhorn, S.; Steinle, S.; Hirsching, C.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 30th August - 2nd September 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC55022.2022.9918012
Towards the explicit dynamic modeling of distribution grids in the time-domain
Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Pfeifer, M.; Suriyah, M.; Hohmann, S.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2021 Geneve (CIRED 2021), 20-23 September 2021, 1400–1404, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Dynamic optimal power flow in AC networks with multi-terminal HVDC and energy storage
Meyer-Huebner, N.; Gielnik, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2016. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia), Melbourne, Australia, 28 November–1 December 2016, 300–305, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGT-Asia.2016.7796402