M.Sc. Felicitas Müller
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Sprechstunden:
nach Vereinbarung
- Raum: 111
- Tel.: +49 721 608-42519
- felicitas mueller ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Forschungsgebiet: Energiesystemintegration und Sektorenkopplung
Aufgaben am Institut:
- EMV-Prüftechnik
- Betreuung des Reallabors Energy Smart Home Lab (ESHL)
Forschungsprojekt: SEKO
Titel | Typ | Semester | Ort |
Energietechnisches Praktikum (Praktikum Elektroenergiesysteme) | Praktikum | Wintersemester | |
Energiewirtschaft | Vorlesung | Kleiner ETI HS, Raum 105, Geb. 11.10 |
Data-driven Topology and Parameter Identification in Distribution Systems with limited Measurements
de Jongh, S.; Mueller, F.; Osterberg, F.; Canizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2025. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 40 (1), 249–260. doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2024.3491912
de Jongh, S.; Mueller, F.; Osterberg, F.; Canizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2025. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 40 (1), 249–260. doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2024.3491912
A comparative co-simulation analysis to improve the sustainability of cogeneration-based district multi-energy systems using photovoltaics, power-to-heat, and heat storage
Erdmann, A.; Marcellan, A.; Stock, J.; Neuroth, D.; Utama, C.; Suriyah, M.; Steinle, S.; Müller, F.; Hering, D.; Francke, H.; Gritzbach, S.; Henke, M.; Pflugradt, N.; Çakmak, H.; Kotzur, L.; Stolten, D.; Leibfried, T.; Müller, D.; Schlatmann, R.; Xhonneux, A.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Ulbrich, C.
2023. Energy conversion and management, 291, Artkl.Nr.: 117226. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117226
Erdmann, A.; Marcellan, A.; Stock, J.; Neuroth, D.; Utama, C.; Suriyah, M.; Steinle, S.; Müller, F.; Hering, D.; Francke, H.; Gritzbach, S.; Henke, M.; Pflugradt, N.; Çakmak, H.; Kotzur, L.; Stolten, D.; Leibfried, T.; Müller, D.; Schlatmann, R.; Xhonneux, A.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Ulbrich, C.
2023. Energy conversion and management, 291, Artkl.Nr.: 117226. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117226
Time-domain Dynamic State Estimation for Unbalanced Three-phase Power Systems
Pfeifer, M.; Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Leibfried, T.; Hohmann, S.
2023. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 11 (2), 446–454. doi:10.35833/MPCE.2021.000761
Pfeifer, M.; Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Leibfried, T.; Hohmann, S.
2023. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 11 (2), 446–454. doi:10.35833/MPCE.2021.000761
Physics-informed geometric deep learning for inference tasks in power systems
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schmit, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. Electric Power Systems Research, 211, Article no: 108362. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108362
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schmit, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. Electric Power Systems Research, 211, Article no: 108362. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108362
An Optimal Power Flow Algorithm for the Simulation of Energy Storage Systems in Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Grids
Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Steinle, S.; Barakat, M.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2021. Energies, 14 (6), Article no: 1623. doi:10.3390/en14061623
Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Steinle, S.; Barakat, M.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2021. Energies, 14 (6), Article no: 1623. doi:10.3390/en14061623
Time-Dependent Flexibility Potential of Heat Pump Systems for Smart Energy System Operation
Steinle, S.; Zimmerlin, M.; Mueller, F.; Held, L.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2020. Energies, 13 (4), Article: 903. doi:10.3390/en13040903
Steinle, S.; Zimmerlin, M.; Mueller, F.; Held, L.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2020. Energies, 13 (4), Article: 903. doi:10.3390/en13040903
Topology and Parameter Identification in Electrical Distribution Systems using Spatial Priors
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Cañizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2024. 2024 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE62998.2024.10863283
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Cañizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2024. 2024 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE62998.2024.10863283
Energy Optimization Controllers for Residential Peak Load Shaving and Cost Minimization
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Cañzares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2024. 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Grenoble, 23rd October - 26th October 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE56780.2023.10407421
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Cañzares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2024. 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Grenoble, 23rd October - 26th October 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE56780.2023.10407421
Parameter Estimation in Electrical Distribution Systems with limited Measurements using Regression Methods
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Cañizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2023. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE 2023), 5 S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE56780.2023.10408319
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Cañizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2023. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE 2023), 5 S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE56780.2023.10408319
Graph Algorithms for Topology Identification in Electrical Medium Voltage Grids
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Osterberg, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2023. 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference 2023, 6 S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC57427.2023.10294736
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Osterberg, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2023. 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference 2023, 6 S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC57427.2023.10294736
Sector-Coupled Distribution Grid Analysis for Centralized and Decentralized Energy Optimization
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2023. 2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Dublin, Ireland, 30 August - 01 September 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC57427.2023.10294701
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2023. 2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Dublin, Ireland, 30 August - 01 September 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC57427.2023.10294701
Auswirkungen einer Elektrifizierung von Industrie und Gewerbe auf Mittelspannungsebene
Müller, F.; Eser, D.; Hufgard, J.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Demir, G.; Kandiah, B.; Zimmerlin, M.
2023. ETG Kongress 2023. Die Energiewende beschleunigen, 825–832, VDE Verlag
Müller, F.; Eser, D.; Hufgard, J.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Demir, G.; Kandiah, B.; Zimmerlin, M.
2023. ETG Kongress 2023. Die Energiewende beschleunigen, 825–832, VDE Verlag
Case Study with Comparison of Home Energy Optimization and Control Algorithms
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022 E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, Portugal, 2-3 Juni 2022
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022 E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, Portugal, 2-3 Juni 2022
Learning Parameters and Topology in Unbalanced Distribution Grids
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schneider, A.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, P, 2-3 June 2022
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schneider, A.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, P, 2-3 June 2022
Auswirkungen von Wärmepumpen und Elektromobilität auf die Niederspannungsnetze in Baden-Württemberg : Ein Szenarienvergleich
Mueller, F.; Geßner, T.; Zimmerlin, M.; Liebhart, J.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. Zukünftige Stromnetze 2022
Mueller, F.; Geßner, T.; Zimmerlin, M.; Liebhart, J.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. Zukünftige Stromnetze 2022
Learning parameters and topology in unbalanced distribution grids
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schneider, A.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, 1064–1068, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2022.0877
Jongh, S. de; Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Schneider, A.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, 1064–1068, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2022.0877
Case study with comparison of home energy optimization and control algorithms
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, 485 – 489, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2022.0754
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, 485 – 489, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2022.0754
Establishing a Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Environment with a Smart Energy Complex
Gielnik, F.; Geis-Schroer, J.; Eser, D.; Eichhorn, S.; Steinle, S.; Hirsching, C.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 30th August - 2nd September 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC55022.2022.9918012
Gielnik, F.; Geis-Schroer, J.; Eser, D.; Eichhorn, S.; Steinle, S.; Hirsching, C.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 30th August - 2nd September 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC55022.2022.9918012
Data Fusion and State Estimation Using Belief Propagation in Gas Distribution Networks
Demirel, G.; Jongh, S. de; Müller, F.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC55022.2022.9917770
Demirel, G.; Jongh, S. de; Müller, F.; Leibfried, T.
2022. 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC55022.2022.9917770
Impact of Dynamic Wind Power Feed-In on the Storage Capacity of the German Gas Transmission Grid
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Held, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2021). doi:10.1049/icp.2021.1498
Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Mu, X.; Held, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2021). doi:10.1049/icp.2021.1498
Towards the explicit dynamic modeling of distribution grids in the time-domain
Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Pfeifer, M.; Suriyah, M.; Hohmann, S.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2021 Geneve (CIRED 2021), 20-23 September 2021, 1400–1404, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Gielnik, F.; Mueller, F.; Jongh, S. de; Pfeifer, M.; Suriyah, M.; Hohmann, S.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2021 Geneve (CIRED 2021), 20-23 September 2021, 1400–1404, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Neural Predictive Control for the Optimization of Smart Grid Flexibility Schedules
Jongh, S. de; Steinle, S.; Hlawatsch, A.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. 56th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC50034.2021.9548179
Jongh, S. de; Steinle, S.; Hlawatsch, A.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. 56th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC50034.2021.9548179
Machine-learning-based Bayesian state estimation in electrical energy systems
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Li, H.; Georgieva, B.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop (CIRED 2020), 22-23 September 2020, 341–344, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/oap-cired.2021.0053
Jongh, S. de; Mueller, F.; Li, H.; Georgieva, B.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop (CIRED 2020), 22-23 September 2020, 341–344, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/oap-cired.2021.0053
Betrieb eines Batteriespeicher zur Netzentlastung während Ladevorgängen von Elektrofahrzeugen
Held, L.; Müller, F.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.; Vasile, P.; Böttcher, N.; Wunsch, M.
2021. Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze, 27./28. Januar und 3./4. Februar 2021, Online
Held, L.; Müller, F.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.; Vasile, P.; Böttcher, N.; Wunsch, M.
2021. Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze, 27./28. Januar und 3./4. Februar 2021, Online
Calculation of peak load and diversity factors in unbalanced low voltage grids
Held, L.; Müller, F.; Geis-Schroer, J.; Wirth, J.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. Hrsg. IET, 2411–2415, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2021.1884
Held, L.; Müller, F.; Geis-Schroer, J.; Wirth, J.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2021. CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. Hrsg. IET, 2411–2415, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2021.1884
Utilization of battery storage for peak power reduction of electric vehicle charging in an underground parking space
Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Holder, R.; Wunsch, M.; Konermann, M.
2021. ETG-Kongress 2021, das Gesamtsystem im Fokus der Energiewende : 18.-19. Mai 2021, Online-Veranstaltung / VDE, ETG, 330–335, VDE Verlag
Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Holder, R.; Wunsch, M.; Konermann, M.
2021. ETG-Kongress 2021, das Gesamtsystem im Fokus der Energiewende : 18.-19. Mai 2021, Online-Veranstaltung / VDE, ETG, 330–335, VDE Verlag
An Optimal Power Flow Algorithm for the Simulation of Energy Storage Systems in Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Grids
Held, L.; Barakat, M.; Müller, F.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2020. 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2020, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209815
Held, L.; Barakat, M.; Müller, F.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2020. 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2020, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209815
Spatio-Temporal Short Term Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting with Uncertainty Estimates using Machine Learning Methods
Jongh, S. de; Riedel, T.; Mueller, F.; Yacoub, A. E.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2020. 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2020, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209764
Jongh, S. de; Riedel, T.; Mueller, F.; Yacoub, A. E.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2020. 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2020, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209764
Congestion Management of the German Transmission Grid through Sector Coupling: A Modeling Approach
Mueller, F.; Hentschel, P.; Jongh, S. de; Held, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibried, T.
2020. 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). 2020, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209822
Mueller, F.; Hentschel, P.; Jongh, S. de; Held, L.; Suriyah, M.; Leibried, T.
2020. 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). 2020, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209822
Optimal and Efficient Real Time Coordination of Flexibility Options in Integrated Energy Systems
Zimmerlin, M.; Littig, D.; Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Karakus, C.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2019. Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2019. Das Gesamtsystem im Fokus der Energiewende, VDE Verlag
Zimmerlin, M.; Littig, D.; Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Karakus, C.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2019. Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2019. Das Gesamtsystem im Fokus der Energiewende, VDE Verlag
Flexibility Determination of Distributed Energy Resources, Storage Systems and Heating Units considering Load and Feed-In Uncertainty
Zimmerlin, M.; Popa, O.; Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2019. CIRED 2019 Proceedings, Paper n° 549, Association des Ingénieurs de Montefiore (AIM). doi:10.34890/115
Zimmerlin, M.; Popa, O.; Held, L.; Mueller, F.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2019. CIRED 2019 Proceedings, Paper n° 549, Association des Ingénieurs de Montefiore (AIM). doi:10.34890/115
Machine learning based state-estimation in sector coupled energy distribution systems
Jongh, S. de; Müller, F.; Georgieva, B.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2019. 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems in Copenhagen, on 10-11 September 2019. Aalborg Universitet. Book of Abstracts. Ed.: H. Lund, 232
Jongh, S. de; Müller, F.; Georgieva, B.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.
2019. 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems in Copenhagen, on 10-11 September 2019. Aalborg Universitet. Book of Abstracts. Ed.: H. Lund, 232
Comparison of multi-timestep Optimization Methods for Gas Distribution Grids
Müller, F.; Zimmerlin, M.; Jongh, S. de; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2019. 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): Proceedings, 3-6 September 2019, Bucharest, Romania, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC.2019.8893536
Müller, F.; Zimmerlin, M.; Jongh, S. de; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2019. 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): Proceedings, 3-6 September 2019, Bucharest, Romania, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC.2019.8893536
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization of Coupled Power and Gas Distribution Network Operation
Zimmerlin, M.; Mueller, F.; Wilferth, M.; Held, L.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2018. 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2018; Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)Cowcaddens RoadGlasgow; United Kingdom; 4 September 2018 through 7 September 2018, Art. Nr.: 8541984, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC.2018.8541984
Zimmerlin, M.; Mueller, F.; Wilferth, M.; Held, L.; Suriyah, M. R.; Leibfried, T.
2018. 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2018; Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)Cowcaddens RoadGlasgow; United Kingdom; 4 September 2018 through 7 September 2018, Art. Nr.: 8541984, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/UPEC.2018.8541984
Locating Faults in Distribution Systems in the Presence of Distributed Generation using Machine Learning Techniques
Maruf, H. M. M.; Müller, F.; Hassan, M. S.; Chowdhury, B.
2018. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2018; Charlotte; United States; 25 June 2018 through 28 June 2018, Art. Nr.: 8447728, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/PEDG.2018.8447728
Maruf, H. M. M.; Müller, F.; Hassan, M. S.; Chowdhury, B.
2018. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2018; Charlotte; United States; 25 June 2018 through 28 June 2018, Art. Nr.: 8447728, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/PEDG.2018.8447728
Impact of Predictive and Non-Predictive Battery Control Methods on Residential Buildings and a Benchmark Distribution Grid
Mueller, F.; de Jongh, S.; Cañizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2024. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4759091
Mueller, F.; de Jongh, S.; Cañizares, C. A.; Leibfried, T.; Bhattacharya, K.
2024. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4759091