ENTECH programme information

This page is dedicated to the ENTECH Master's programme and lists all lectures and contact details relevant to students participating in the programme.

Contact Details

Programme Coordinator

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Class
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Tel: +49 721 608-23487
Email: andreas class does-not-exist.kit edu
Website: http://www.innoenergy.com/education/master-school/our-master-programmes/msc-energy-technologies-entech/


Responsible for Courses and Lectures held at IEH

Mrs Isabell Riedmüller

ENTECH courses at IEH

Winter term courses 2018/2019
Titel Typ Semester Ort

Building 30.36, Room No. 11

Vorlesung/Lecture Winter Term

Geb. 20.30, SR 2.058


R011, Geb. 30.36


Room 011, Building 30.36